Fit Your Shoes to Your Lifestyle, Not Just to Your Feet

Shoes to Your Lifestyle
Modern consumers have a nice problem so much choice of shoes! But while there is no shortage of choice, trawling through the massive selection can make it difficult to find the right pair to suit you. The huge displays are great for merchandisers and retailers, but can actually make the choice a difficult one for consumers.
This can mean people either put off buying new shoes, or simply go for a pair they think look good within their price range. Both options are a mistake.
Good, fit for purpose shoes are important for a variety of reasons. These include reduction of injury, eliminating fungal conditions, and protecting joints and bones, and simply increasing esteem and wellbeing.
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How to choose the Right Shoes for you
It may sound over-done, but choose your shoes using a few simple steps. First, think about your likes and dislikes and the styles that suit you. Then you can narrow your search down further by considering your budget and the shoe materials, before finally going ahead with your purchase.
After making these considerations you may decide you need more than one pair – it all depends what activities you plan to use them for.
Your requirements may even determine your choice of brand name. Nike shoes are well known for quality and comfort, but running shoes are their forte. Staff at the Nike shoes store in AU can help you figure out which best suits your need. If you plan to go on long hikes or play raquet sports for example, you may be advised to shop around a little before making your final decision.
Would you use a Sledgehammer on a Walnut?
Wearing shoes for activities other than those they are designed for can be a risky business. This is not to say that there are not some good ‘all-rounders’ on the market there are. It really depends on the activity you plan to undertake and how often you plan to do it.
But using the right tool for the job applies to shoes just as much as it does tools. In the same way you would not use a shedgehammer to open a walnut or a nutcracker to build a house, shoes can quickly become out of place.
Buying a top quality pair of running shoes and expecting them to provide the right ankle support and grip for a challenging hike through a national park is unwise. Equally, hiking shoes would obviously look and feel out of place on a running track. The problem with running shoes is that they are often mistaken for all-rounders themselves because they look like a versatile sneaker.
Why is the Right Shoe so Important?
The right pair of shoes for the challenge you are facing is vital for many reasons. They can help avoid injury and discomfort. They will also save you money in the medium to long-term simply because you will not need to replace them on a continuous basis. If you wear the right shoe and pair it with some sneaker tees, for example, you can boost your self-esteem, confidence, and performance in a sporting environment.
The opposite effect with the wrong shoe for the job is a potential risk of harm to yourself. This does not always come in the form of an instant injury such as a broken ankle, but a build up of stress or tension in a muscle over a longer period. This may not be as immediately obvious, but the long-term effect can be equally as painful.
Wear and tear to shoes is also almost certain to occur if you wear the wrong type of footwear for the activity. This will reduce the lifespan of your shoes, and ultimately cost you more.
What do you like doing?
With these things in mind, ask yourself what activities you do, or will do, in your new shoes. Keeping active is vital, and doing something as simple as wearing the right shoes can inspire you to get out and do a lot more regular exercise.
Think about this when you make your choice. Even if you plan to run, will this be on a cushioned treadmill in the gym, or do you prefer more rugged offroad trails? Equally, if your job requires you to be on your feet a lot, this can place different demands on your body – and your shoes.
When you have thought more about how often you will wear your shoes and the activities you will wear them for, you will have a much clearer idea about which ones to choose. Taking a pragmatic approach to buying your shoe can save you a lot of pain and cost in the long term, so it highly advise.