Introduction to Digital Oil and Gas Field

Table of Contents
What Are Digital Oil Field And Gas Fields?
After many individuals first hear the term digital oil field, they envision things like computer screens. You can drag and drop digital objects and press buttons to monitor and automate equipment used in oil and gas field operations. This shared vision describes the interface of a DOF system. But behind the glass screens are many sensors, cables, circuits, electronic switches, logic algorithms, and computers integrated with the specialized instrumentation and equipment, underground and on the surface, necessary to operate the oil and gas fields. This classy collection of technology is further integrated with processes and people in a single system that allows people to communicate with information technology to optimize the operation of the oil and gas fields. This collection of technology, procedures, and people in an intelligent system that we call DOF.
DOF systems are well known for delivering the correct data to the right people at the right time to make an effective installation decision that supports a company’s goals of maximizing hydrocarbon recovery and improving operational efficiency.
Some standard definitions from the literature include those listed below:
- “The digital oil field is a generic term for technology-oriented solutions that allow companies to use limited resources. For example, such a technology can help employees analyze the increasing amount of data generated. By increasingly sophisticated engineering technologies more quickly and accurately (Steinhubl et al., 2008). “
- Saputelliet al. (2013) have defined DOF as “the orchestration of disciplines, data, engineering applications, and workflow integration tools supported by digital automation, including field instrumentation, telemetry, automation, data management, integrated production models, workflow automation, visualization, and collaboration. ” . Environments and predictive analytics “.
- “A digital oil field define by the way an oil company uses its technology, people, and processes to help optimize hydrocarbon production, improve operational safety. Protect the environment, maximize and discover reserves, and maintain an advantage. Competitive”.
Depleted Oil And Gas Fields
Depleted oil fields and gas fields, in particular. Can use to store gases, as their tightness already tests over geological periods. Another advantage is that these deposits already well explored as part of previous exploration and production activities. Additionally, existing wells can also use for storage purposes after good conversion work has done. However, not all exhausted oil and gas fields are suitable for conversion to a gas storage facility. And also, Suitability criteria include depth and sufficient permeability, and porosity of the reservoir rock. Due to the technical properties of depleted oil and gas fields, they tend to have little flexibility in terms of injection and extraction, and gas storage facilities built with them tend to best suit for seasonal applications.
Natural gas has stored in depleted oil and gas fields for many decades. One hundred years ago, a depleted gas field first use to store gas in Welland County, Ontario, Canada. Mainly because of their capacity, they are the main storage option for underground geological storage worldwide. 81% of natural gas currently stored underground worldwide is in depleted oil and gas fields
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