The Different Colors of Gold used in Jewels

In fact, depending on the composition of the alloy, Gold can be white, pink, green, or even black if we take into account modern surface treatments.
These are in the three different shades that Gold receives according to its composition or the surface treatment obtained.
Table of Contents
Different Golden Colors In Jewelry
Table of gold colors according to the composition of the gold alloy (source photo)
So that you can see better, this article presents all the colors that gold alloys can absorb according to their composition:
- Yellow Gold
- White and gray Gold
- Pink and rose gold
Colors of gold alloys, most used in jewelry.
As you know, pure Gold is a very malleable metal, so to give fine shape to gold jewelry, it is essential to “harden” it by combining it with other metals.
Silver and copper used for these purposes can change the color of Gold according to their proportions in the alloy, a property that has long been used in goldsmithing.
The following table shows the shades that are obtained by combining different proportions of copper and silver to form Gold.
Relationship Between Color And Composition Of Gold
Today the “recipes” for coloring gold are more complex, and other metals are also used (palladium, zinc, platinum).
While most jewelers use commercially organized alloys, some jewelers and large retailers also have their recipes for making their own gold color, a composition whose nuances are kept under wraps.
Therefore, the information provided here is revealing.
In addition to altering the color of gold alloying metals also makes it easier to work with Gold by rolling, casting, or polishing.
It can also improve the resistance to friction wear. Therefore, gold alloys that are innovative for their color or their mechanical properties are protected by the patent application.
Yellow Gold:
how to maintain the color of Gold while enhancing the characteristics of the metal.
Although Gold is naturally yellow, keeping it in color by adding copper and silver requires a good dose of each of the metals, as it must also meet the legal titles for Gold. This topic has been covered in this article on karat gold.
- 22 carat yellow gold composition (917/1000): 91.7% fine gold + 5% silver + 2% copper + 1.3% zinc
- 18-carat yellow gold composition (750/1000): 75% fine gold + 12.5% copper + 12.5% silver
- 14 karat yellow gold composition (583/1000): 58.3% fine gold + 11.5 to 25% silver + 11.5% to 23% copper + 2 to 7% zinc
- 9 carat yellow gold composition (375/1000): 37.5% fine gold + 12.1% silver + 44.4% copper + 6% zinc
Color Variation In 14k Yellow Gold
View of two 14-karat yellow gold chains whose yellow hue varies depending on the composition of the alloy.
White gold and white gold have the same base:
The white gold used in jewelry is usually covered with a layer of rhodium to give it its final color.
In fact, most white gold alloys are so named because they contain metals that bleach the Gold. However, the final color of the gold mass tends towards light gray.
Only the use of metals such as palladium (very expensive), nickel (banned in France since 2000 for being allergenic), and cadmium allows obtaining a mass-tinted white gold color.
- 20 carat white gold composition (833/1000): 83.3% fine gold + 16.7% palladium
- 18 carat white gold (750/1000) composition: 75% fine gold + 18.5% silver + 1% copper + 5.5% zinc
- 14 karat white gold composition (583/1000): 58.3% fine gold + 17% silver + 17% copper + 7.7% zinc
- 9 carat white gold composition (375/1000): 37.5% fine gold + 62.5% silver
Gray Gold
- 18 carat white gold (750/1000) composition: 75% fine gold + 17% iron + 8% copper
- Made of white gold ring with rhodium-plated cutom.
- The shade from rose gold to red gold depends mainly on the concentration of copper.
- It is copper that gives pink Gold is more or less red color depending on its content in the alloy.
- Rose gold was very popular among Russians in the early 20th century, hence the name: Russian Gold.
- 18-karat (750/1000) red gold composition: 75% fine gold + 25% copper
- 18 carat rose gold (750/1000) position: 75% fine gold + 22.25% copper + 2.75% silver
- 18-carat rose gold composition (750/1000): 75% fine gold + 20% copper + 5% silver
- 14 karat gold
- Composition 14 carat red gold (583/1000): 58.3% fine gold + 32.5% copper + 9.2% silver
- 14 karat red gold composition (583/1000): 58.3% fine gold + 24.5% copper + 17.2% silver
- 9 karat gold
- 9 carat red gold composition (375/1000): 37.5% fine gold + 55% copper + 7.5% silver
- Composition of 9 carat red gold (375/1000): 37.5% fine gold + 42.5% copper + 20% silver
- The golden tones increased according to the copper content of the gold (source photo)
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